What you get at MyCents Learning

- Online courses at your own pace
- Free downloadable resources
- Learn to focus on what matters
- Learn the 7 steps of CommonCents
- Gain control of your money

Change to the right tools
- Assess your Investor Profile
- Learn positive money habits
- Change your behaviours with money

- Join in our regular CommonCents webinar
- Put in place your action plan
- Find what works for you
- Share your experience
- Benefit from other's experience
What is the MyCents Learning platform?
In the MyCents Learning platform, you’ll discover the seven essential elements to looking after your financial health. Our dream is to improve you and your family’s life, and overall wellbeing, by teaching you what you need to know, change and do, when it comes to your money.
Why should I stay?
We know by gaining the right knowledge, establishing the right habits and doing the simple, but not always easy, actions, you can avoid years of financial frustration.
What if I want help implementing all of this?
This is great, we can offer strategic assistance to achieve your goals or you can use our full financial planning service at CommonCents Financial Planning.
What if I just want the information and then I can implement it all myself?
Our MyCents Learning platform is designed to empower you to make informed, strategic decisions about your financial future. This includes those who prefer to DIY!
Featured Courses
4 Pillars of Finance
A 4-part mini-series helping you strenghten your foundations
A powerful challenge to help you rethink your money and empower your lifestyle.
Any advice in this site is of a general nature only and has not been tailored to your personal circumstances. Please seek personal advice prior to acting on this information.